For authors

Rules for manuscripts submitted to articles

The manuscript may be sent by the authors directly represented by a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and another national Academy of Sciences, or be a member of the editorial Board (in the framework of his scientific competence), and written at the request of the publisher.

Manuscripts should be sent to the email address in a set of two paper copies with a covering letter and author’s note. The electronic version of the manuscript with tables and illustrations sent in the Microsoft Word *. doc format for texts, tables, captions, simple black-and-white charts, diagrams, graphs and as *.tiff (CMYK), *.jpg (CMYK ).

The format of the manuscript must comply with the standards and scientific format of the journal, which correspond to the generally accepted formats and standards, scientific publications, otherwise the manuscript will be rejected without consideration. A manuscript rejected by one member of the editorial Board, cannot be submitted through another member of the Board or re-directed by the author.

Print articles that include research results, theoretical and practical (innovative) development, which is topical at the present stage of development of animal husbandry.

For publication articles require a cover letter, issued on letterhead of the institution with recommendation for publication and internal review of the expert Committee.

The article structure should be as follows:

1. Univeral decimal classification (УДК)

2. Title (in Russian and English)

3. Last name and initials of authors (in Russian and English)

4. The institution where the research was done (in Russian and English)

5. Address institution where the research was done (in Russian and English)

5. Summary – 200-250 (in Russian and English)

6. Key words (in Russian and English)

7. Scientific paper and its structure (literature review, research aim, methodology, results and conclusions) p. 6-8

8. Literature, References (list of references without self-citation)

9. The full Name of each author, academic degree and title, position, e-mail, phone

Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice

All manuscripts, not rejected on the grounds of non-scientific level or the standards and format of the journal, are anonymously peer review by members of the editorial Board and independent, highly qualified experts in the relevant field of expertise (doctors of Sciences), experts from other scientific institutions (not companies) invited by the editorial board. A single negative review is sufficient to consider rejection. When rejecting the manuscript, the author receives a notification with the application copies of anonymous negative reviews. Anonymous copies of the positive reviews are sent to authors at their request. In the case that the final decision required revision of the article, the author is notified and sent an anonymous copy of the review. The manuscript sent back for revision, but not received after revision, is rejected.

Objections to rejected manuscripts should be submitted to the editors in writing and must be motivated. When a negative decision on appeal is made, further appeals with objections will not be considered and the manuscript cannot be resubmitted. If the appeal is accepted, the manuscript will be considered as a new submission and directed to other independent reviewers.

Throughout the review and revision process all correspondence between reviewer and author must be made through the editorial staff of the journal and the name of the reviewer is not disclosed. The anonymity of peer review is maintained as long as the reviewer does not express the intention to disclose their identify to the author or contact the author directly.

The editorial board reserves the right to reject the manuscripts if they fail to meet the standards of the journal, the author and member of the Academy submitting the manuscript will be notified.

The chief editor directs the article for reviewing.

Originals of reviews are kept in editorial office for 5 years, are available upon written request of the author or the higher attestation Commission

Preliminary public dissemination of unpublished material

The priority for the «Zootechniya» journal is freedom of exchange of scientific information.

Before publication the author may publicly discuss their results in the scientific community, or to use them to promote the achievements of the methods and motives of research. If the material has not received a formal assessment of the reviewer, is not formally associated with any periodical printed or online publication, the content of the material has not been fixed and set out in detail sufficient to reproduce the experiments, it was not publicly available, its distribution is not considered a publication. Since public distribution of preliminary material is not considered a publication, it should be remembered that it is, in contrast to the publication does not guarantee priority.

Author ethics

All work should be free of manipulation, falsification and plagiarism. Data tables, figures, presented in other publications must be accompanied by references to these works and / or they must be given permission. Detection of intentional misrepresentation is grounds for denial of publication.

The team of authors should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the work. Commissioner author, which provides editorial correspondence, must get permission from all authors for the submission of each version of the document and any changes in the group of authors. Authors should report their specific contribution in presenting the work (for example, planning and conducting research, developing methods, providing the newly created materials and tools, scientific data analysis and discussion, participated in writing the manuscript, etc.). Authors should indicate all sources of financing, as well as those who provided support and assistance in carrying out the work.

Authors and reviewers must notify the editor if the manuscript includes information on the results of having a dual purpose to the editor, if necessary, could be more consultation.

All experiments with animals must be conducted in accordance with the principles expressed in the Declaration of Helsinki (Declaration of Helsinki).

Authors should ensure that research using recombinant DNA technology and GMOs carried out in accordance with the limitations of the national legislation of the country where the study was conducted.

To allow other researchers to repeat the work, materials, description of the methods, the authors’ data should be made available to readers. It is recommended that as many as possible of its data in public databases. Obtained and used in the cloned DNA antibody; microorganism strains, cell cultures, viruses should be made available to other researchers upon request.

Authors are encouraged to deposit information about genes, gene constructs, microchips, the amino acid sequences of proteins, nucleotide sequences, and so on. In authorized databases (NCBI, etc.) with the number in the article.

In documenting the results of the images is not allowed gain, adding or removing parts of the image, move, etc. Allowed adjustment of brightness, contrast, or color balance, if they are applied to the entire image and do not distort in any way information contained in the original. The printed version must contain all the necessary and sufficient to justify conclusions illustration. Some approved reviewer illustrations may be placed on the website of the magazine, in addition to the printed version (they are not subject to further changes, including the author).

Messages about misprint and errors made by the authors, which do not change the major findings and / or conclusions, can be printed in a magazine at the discretion of the publisher.

Fair play

Editors and editorial board members will not use unpublished information disclosed in a submitted manuscript for their own research purposes without the authors’ explicit written consent. Privileged information or ideas obtained by editors as a result of handling the manuscript will be kept confidential and not used for their personal advantage.


Editor and any editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher. Editors will ensure that material submitted remains confidential while under review.